Tunisia TICAD innovation 2022 & Horizon Europe

Tunisia TICAD innovation 2022 & Horizon Europe

Tunisia TICAD innovation 2022

At the beginning of September HawKar participated in the “Tunisia TICAD innovation 2022” organized by the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation APII on the occasion of TICAD 8; an open and inclusive forum that brings together African countries and development partners, including international and regional organizations, donor countries, Asian countries, the private sector, and civil society organizations, dealing with African development, that took place this year in Tunisia.

On this occasion, HawKar received the:

Special Prize

a tribute to our contribution in the field of the invention to the service of people with reduced mobility, from the National Agency for the Promotion of Scientific Research (ANPR) awarded by its General Director Mr. Chedly Abdelly

as well as the:

Europe Prize

awarded by Mr. Marcus Cornaro Ambassador of the European Union in Tunisia and Mrs. Neila Nouira Gongi, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy of Tunisia.

Horizon Europe

On Monday, September 5, 2022, HawKar also participated in the official launch of Tunisia’s association with “Horizon Europe

On this occasion, The Prime Minister honored us in the presence of The Minister of Education and Scientific Research, The Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, The Minister of Economy, The Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, The Minister of Health, and The Ambassador of the European Union in Tunisia.

We are very honored by the support and this recognition!

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